I first met Cindy and Carolyn just over two years ago in Prague through my husband. We had been going to PCF for a few months, but I had to go frequently back and forth to the U.K. to help look after my mum who was unwell with stage 4 cancer. My husband had had a feeling in his spirit that he should go and ask these ladies to teach him how they prayed, because he was inspired by the way they were so on fire for God and he wanted to be like that now, let alone when he was their age. He started going to a weekly prayer meeting at their place, and he loved it. When I was back in Prague. I would join him. and I felt so welcomed in and loved on by them immediately; it was so wonderful to be around them. The love of Jesus was so apparent.
I must admit I was a bit nervous that they were going to say ‘you need some deliverance’ and then do something as I’d had a bad experience where after a trip to Uganda I’d had someone pray off a spirit of fear from me and then they stopped mid way, as they said they weren’t allowed to do deliverance in that church. It had been quite scary. However, the prayer ladies (as we fondly call them) would never force anything, they would simply let the spirit lead. It was wonderful because you never felt driven to do anything with them; you only feel led by the spirit. They never once mentioned that I might want to get some healing prayer; they simply loved on me, and I trusted them so much as I could see how close they were to God and how they would always be seeking His will above everything else. They inspired us to trust more and still do.
We would get together and eat together and pray, and I would have a friend who was struggling with something and I’d ask if they were willing to meet them and they would and pray with them. I would be there too, and when they did deliverance, it was in such a gentle way that it didn’t seem scary at all.
One day, after a session with a friend of mine, I asked them if they thought I should have some deliverance, and they said ‘I think so’. Because of our relationship and my trust for them, I felt ready and not afraid. It was such a great experience as I truly felt set free of depression, fear, and many other things after they prayed. That night I went to sleep and had a dream that felt so real of my mum coming to me, she didn’t say anything but just hugged me so tight and smiled lovingly at me and I said thank you to her. It was so special I woke up and cried but in a happy way for the first time as I had been mourning her so deeply. After that, I was able to think of her with more gratefulness and happiness rather than purely deep sadness. I felt so light and happy.
The prayer ladies continue to be very special people in our lives, even though we are oceans apart. We cover them in prayer, and feel excited for the many lives that they are going to touch, and the people God is using them to set free. They are a source of inspiration for what it looks like to truly surrender to God’s will, and the way they live by faith and don’t raise funds is amazing. We consider it a privilege to know them and to be able to support them in any way we can.